EI and IQ

13th September 2022

Most people would have heard of the intelligence quotient(IQ).

It is a score to more or less determinine one's innate cognitive abilities;

to analyse, understand, and to think critically and logically.

In today's working environment however, one must also have emotional intelligence(EI) to have a successful carreer.

Emotional Intelligence(EI) is one's awareness and ability to handle emotions and feelings.

To be able to not only understand and empathize with others, but also to be self-aware of their own emotions and how they express them.

IQ and EI is like booksmarts vs streetsmarts.

People with good EI tend to have great social skills. They are excellent with relationships and can manifest great leadership skills.

Good EI can also manifest as one's capability to be self-motivated and to handle stress.

Undoubtedly these are all essential skills for a successful career in today's collaborative environment.

Though IQ is bascially innate and fixed. It is interesting that EQ is malleable.

You are able to improve yourself by increasing your emotional intelligence.

But just like everything else you learn, EQ comes with practice. You have to practice self-awareness.

Practice being positive. Practice being empathatic. Practice being compassionate.

It might take awhile but it's surely worth it.