
7th September 2022

Neuroplascticity is known as the brain's ability to change and grow.

The brain can rewire it's neural networks and pathways so that we can more efficiently think, imagine and reflect.

This means that as we practice or do something, our brain will adapt to get better at it.

A benefit of knowing this is that people can be assured to improve and learn better via consistent practice and good habits.

If you want to further re-wire your brain you can practice doing something new - like juggling or learning an instrument.

Personally I will be practicing meditation and reflection. I find doing this helps cement what I've learnt throughout my day.

A video i found useful on habits is Change Your Life - One Tiny Step at a Time.

Growth Mindset

To have a growth mindset is to believe in yourself. To believe that you are capable of learning, improving and changing your life.

To understand that your character, intelligence and creativity isn't fixed but malleable.

That every difficulty, challenge and criticism a lesson.

Thus giving rise to motivation and persistence in improving oneself knowing that every step counts.

I believe in my own potential. My potential to learn, improve, and achieve.


From reflection i learn that self discipline ultimately comes from how much you're willing to sacrifice to achieve your goal.

Afterall, nobody really makes sacrifices for things they don't believe in.